Hub Azul Oeiras Mar | IPMA is made up of four components that articulate with each other and are spatially distant, working in a network to guarantee the established objectives.
Oeiras Mar Hub of the Collaborative Network for Ocean Technology, consisting of a building to be built, adjacent to the IPMA building in Algés, in which it stands out:
– A Hangar with 600m2 including a crane with capacity to support suspended loads up to 5 tons and equipped with a tank for testing, workshop area, dry testing area, support warehouse, office area to support researchers from the national and international scientific system;
– An area of about 500m2 for logistical support to interface entities between research and the economic sector;
– An area of about 300m2 for storage of samples in liquid medium (biological and geological);
– “Ocean-Atmosphere Modeling System of Very High Spatial and Temporal Resolution”, which includes a supercomputer composed of a structure with dozens of servers and thousands of processing cores, connected by a very high speed network structure with 200 gigabits or more and with an immediate data storage system of tens of Tb, which will allow modeling the atmosphere and the ocean in high resolution, over the Atlantic zone of national responsibility;
– Placement of equipment and sensors on board the IPMA research vessel “Mário Ruivo” to consolidate the marine network supporting fisheries, offshore aquaculture and climate change in the ocean:
– A permanent observation station with sensors for conductivity, temperature, pressure, dissolved oxygen, turbidity and passive acoustics;
– A complemented continuous profiler system;
– A wave primary productivity meter and installation of ocean morphology sensors;
– Two meteorological radars in the Azores Archipelago (S. Miguel and Flores), which include:
Two automatic weather stations;
Two thunderstorm detectors
A sensor installation tower.
Oeiras Mar (Oeiras Ocean in the EN version) aims to support the strengthening of the national scientific infrastructure to support the blue economy, through the integration of technological means, knowledge and innovation in the area of the sea and the atmosphere.
Specific objectives:
Decarbonize and support climate transition in the economy of the sea (open climate data);
Promote technological development and productive reindustrialization of the maritime economy, combining scientific knowledge with technological development;
Create jobs and boost skills in the “twin digitals” by promoting the creation of new companies and the development of existing ones (twin transitions, green and digital) in the maritime economy;
Promote surveillance and monitoring at sea (meteorological and oceanographic forecasts with higher spatial resolution and greater temporal frequency).